Are you proud to send people to look at your website?
Your website is your shop front and can need refreshing on a regular basis. Here’s a simple checklist to help you evaluate and then decide if it is time to redesign your website:
- Is all of the content on your website relevant to your business?
- Is your website mobile and tablet friendly?
- Are customers able to find the information they want quickly and easily through the navigation and page content?
- Are you proud to direct prospective customers to your website?
- Are your current business goals and strategies consistent with your website?
- Does your offline and online marketing complement each other?
- Is your website easy to read – legible font sizes, colours and style?
- Is your website information and contact information up to date?
- Does your website rank on Google and other search engines?
- Is your website updated regularly with blogs, new releases, newsletters, video demos/webinars and white papers?
Your website is a living and breathing part of your business, and it should evolve and change as your business grows and as technology progresses. It is important to stay ahead of your competition and you need to attract your customers with an interesting website design and relevant content. This will not only attract the first-timers, but also make them repeat visitors.
If done well, redesigning your website can be a high return on investment.
Last updated 17th April 2024